Physical therapy and rehabilitation
What is Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation?
Physical therapy and rehabilitation are practices that include the diagnosis and treatment of bone, joint, muscle and nervous system diseases (congenital or acquired) that restrict a person's movement and functional activities and reduce the quality of daily life.
What are the purposes of physical therapy and rehabilitation?
The aim of physical therapy and rehabilitation is to reduce pain, minimize functional losses, and ensure the person's adaptation to daily life by improving the quality of life.
Spine Diseases
Joint Diseases
Soft Tissue Diseases
Orthopedic Diseases
Neurological Diseases
Spine Diseases
The spine is one of the main skeletal structures, consisting of 33 bones divided into 5 groups, connecting the upper and lower parts of the body, and also providing support to the body. Apart from carrying the human body throughout life, it is exposed to a significant load. Especially as we get older, its resistance decreases due to osteoporosis, which is a condition in which bones lose calcium density, earlier in women.
Waist, neck and back pain
herniated disc
Neck hernia
Scoliosis (any congenital or acquired deformity of the spine)
Spinal stenosis (stenosis in the waist and neck due to aging or rheumatic diseases)
Treatment of fractures of the spine that occur after trauma (fall, impact, vehicle accident, etc.) or osteoporosis
Lumbar slippage (spondylolisthesis)
Disorders such as these are treated with physical therapy.
Joint Diseases
All our functions that enable us to walk, move or hold an object, such as our hands, arms, neck and feet, perform their functions thanks to our joints. Therefore, joint pain occurring in any part of our body will have a restrictive effect on the movement function in that area. Joint diseases can be a genetic, innate, hereditary disease, or they can occur later due to environmental factors. The most common joint diseases are rheumatic joint disease, commonly called rheumatism, and joint inflammation that may occur in the joint area.
Arthrosis (calcification)
Shoulder, elbow, hand and wrist pain
Hip, knee, foot and ankle pain
rheumatoid arthritis
Disorders such as these are treated with physical therapy.
Soft Tissue Diseases
nerve compression
Tennis and Golfer's elbow
heel spur
Orthopedic Diseases
Knee arthroplasty
hip replacement
fracture treatment
Anterior cruciate ligament treatment
Meniscus tear treatment
Shoulder rotator cuff tear treatment
Neurological Diseases
Diseases related to the body's nervous system are called neurological diseases. Neurological diseases can also affect all body systems. Because abnormalities in the electrical structure of the brain, spinal cord or nerves can cause many problems. Examples of these problems include stroke, muscle weakness, coordination problems, loss of sensation, and seizures.
Stroke (Hemiplegia)
Cerebral palsy (cp)
MS (multiple sclerosis)
Paralysis due to spinal cord injuries
Facial paralysis (facial paralysis)