Internal Medicine Polyclinic
Diabetes, Thyroid, Kidney, Hematology, Rheumatology, Medical Oncology, Hypertension and Heart, Osteoporosis and Bone, Gastrointestinal System, Obesity, Chronic Lung diseases Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-up....
Read MoreGynecology and Obstetrics Polyclinic
Women apply to the obstetrics and gynecology department because they have complaints at certain periods of their lives or for routine check-ups. This section includes the diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of diseases of the reproductive organs in women...
Read MorePhysical therapy and rehabilitation
Neurology examines the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, as well as its disorders and clinical syndromes that occur due to various reasons.
Read MoreChild Health and Diseases Polyclinic
In our Child Health and Diseases polyclinic, preventive health services, diagnosis and treatment are provided for all children from the newborn period to the age of 18.
Read MoreWho is a Dentist?
Dentist; Diagnoses and treats problems related to the patient&39;s teeth, gums and related parts of the mouth. Provides advice on the care of teeth and gums and on nutritional choices that affect oral health.
Read MoreEmergency Polyclinic
The emergency service is supported by all branches available in the medical center during the day, and is supported by physicians on duty in their own units within the hospital at night.
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